A developing set of games in an interesting, exciting and accessible form will help children to quickly and deeply know the world around them, expand their range of interests, develop imagination, creative imagination, and hand motility. Each task creates a motivational situation that encourages the child to do good deeds and deeds, to perform the task with interest. The game has 32 tasks, a full annual set of classes for the development of creativity in children. You can study for a year. Children are invited to look at the image, listen to the task and supplement the image with a picture, application, etc. Assignments are offered on the main lexical topics of the kindergarten program: autumn, fruits, vegetables, berries, mushrooms, trees, animals, dishes, health, safety, winter, wintering birds, new year, fairy tales, clothes, flowers, family, spring, migratory birds, tools, transport, professions, space, fish, furniture, insects, summer.